
Given that we receive couples from all the islands of the Azores, Bermuda, the USA and Canada, we have opted for simple, scientifically proven protocols, so that the travel time of couples is as short as possible (the average, for studied couples, is a week). 

How to get a Medically Assisted Procreation treatment?

Meka Center has an agreement with the Regional Health System. The users access to the health care provided by convention, is done through the request for consultation to fertility fertility in the hospital in your region.

Divino Espírito Santo Hospital in Ponta Delgada
Convenção nº 15/2015 de 29 de abril de 2015

Santo Espírito Hospital in Angra do Heroísmo
Convenção nº 7/2016 de 18 de abril de 2016

Horta Hospital
Convenção nº 8/2016 de 11 de maio de 2016

Many couples opt for a first private consultation at the Meka Center, in order to immediately clarify the clinical aspects and understand the means of solution, facilitating the entire process with the clarifications provided at the Meka Center. 

All couples who do not meet the admission criteria for the new law or who do not want to go through the hassle of having to undergo an appointment at one of the three Hospitals in the Region, can resort to treatments at Meka Center through their respective insurance in a completely private manner. 

Not being a resident of the Azores, how can I get a Medically Assisted Procreation Treatment?

The result of a gynecological examination less than 3 months old, containing pelvic ultrasound, cervical cytology less than 2 years old, and the following analytical exams must be sent:

  • FSH;
  • AMH ( Hormona Anti Mulleriana);
  • Hemograma;
  • Plaquetas;
  • VS;
  • TP;
  • Ag HBS;
  • Ac Anti HBc;
  • VDRL;
  • HIV 1 e 2;
  • HCV;
  • HTLV 1 e 2
  • Espermograma + Espermocultura.

The couple does not need to stay in the Azores for more than a week.

To clarify any doubts, please contact the Clinic by phone (+351) 296 30 88 88 or by email This information does not dispense with the consultation of updated original texts that enable people to the rights in question.

Rights and duties of beneficiaries under PMA

Information contained in Law No. 32/2006 of 26 July.

Article 12 - Rights of beneficiaries

The beneficiaries' rights are:

  1. To not be subjected to techniques that do not offer reasonable chances of success or whose use involves significant risks to the health of the mother or child;
  2. To be assisted in a suitable medical environment that has all the material and human conditions required for the correct execution of the recommended technique;
  3. To be properly informed about the likely medical, social and legal implications of the proposed treatments;
  4. To know the reasons that motivate the refusal of PMA techniques;
  5. To be informed of the conditions under which they could resort to adoption and the social relevance of this institute.
Article 13 - Duties of beneficiaries

1 - The beneficiaries have the following duties:

  1. To provide all the information requested by the medical team or that they consider to be relevant for the correct diagnosis of their clinical situation and for the success of the technique to which they will undergo;
  2. Strictly observe all prescriptions of the medical team, both during the diagnosis phase and during the different stages of the PMA process.

2 - In order to globally evaluate the medical-sanitary and psychosociological results of PMA processes, beneficiaries must provide all information related to the health and development of children born using these techniques.